Monday, October 1, 2018

Journalism Article

       In school we learned about journalism and wrote an article. I hope you enjoy reading this article that I wrote. Comment below if you have any questions or comments (no pun intended).

  Stopped by the block


On Friday, September 7th, Glenridge Elementary, Mrs.Barnes’ fifth grade class faced a horrible disease: writer’s block. This disease can be caused by a lack of ideas, distractions and worst of all, extreme boredom.

Symptoms of writer’s block may include fidgeting, side conversations, staring off into space and playing with miscellaneous items. The cure? Thoughts, ideas, connections, events, excitement! Anything that gets the brain moving! As long as the ideas are coming, you’ll be able to write.

I’m literally thinking about writer’s block right now, but I can’t think of anything, you can’t think of something when there’s nothing to think about”, said 5B student Luke Condrin, who experienced writers block first hand. “It depends on the situation, it could take days, a week”, said Yoanna Choi when asked about how long it could take to come up with fresh ideas, another victim of writer’s block.

While this  outbreak might have passed,but it doesn't mean writer’s block is gone forever. To avoid writer’s block yourself, here is a list of strategies from some that witnessed and even experienced writer’s block. “Think of things you’ve observed”, said 5B student Wayne Yue, who witnessed writer’s block. Another student, Aalaa Mahmoud, who had had writer’s block, said to, “notice small details”, in order to avoid writer’s block. Teachers are also taking action to fight back against writer’s block with two new tools: the graphic organizer and inverted pyramid. The graphic organizer is a paper with the the 5 w’s and 1 h, who, what, when, where, why and how. It also has the three parts of an article so you can decide what to write in those sections. The inverted pyramid, is also somewhat similar but instead only has the three sections inside an upside-down triangle with a brief explanation of what you’re supposed to put in each section. While both are slightly different, they both make great tools to help avoid writer’s block. These tools are definitely going to have an impact on writers block.

-David Lin, 5B

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