Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Bobby Mcbobberson III
...But it was the wrong color…..
I was so excited!! I, Bobby Mcbobberson III, was going to get a new bike, the Shoomawoobawoosheny-3001!! Me and my father, Bobby Mcbobberson II, had ordered it in blue. But that afternoon, when it was supposed to come, it was pink!! I was so mad!! How was I supposed to ride this!!?? I flung the bike across the street!!! My anger was transforming me into my superhero form!! Super Mcbobberson-cobby-wobby-nobby. I flew into the air and flew all the way to Jupiter, and then right onto Io, my secret base, then sat there eating pizza for 3428745.82634 consecutive days.
Monday, March 25, 2019
100 Word Challenge 7
I was so cross that……
We ran around the house, looking for Jasmine. And then, when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, Jake yelled, “I see her!! In the front yard!!” We ran outside, and then, Jack ran right in front of me for the door, and I ran into him and toppled over. SLAM!! I was so cross that I shouted, “What the heck are you doing!!” “Sorry….”, groaned Jack. We walked out of the house. “Where were you?”, we both said at the same time. “I just wanted some fresh air….”, she whimpered. We sighed, and then walked back to the house.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
100 Word Challenge 6
B:What a surprise!!
We drag Jake into the house. “Ahh, Jake!!”, cried Jasmine. I reached into Jakes backpack, and pulled out the bear. Then I go into a closet, looking for some bandages. Completely empty!! “What a surprise!!”, I thought. I thought Connor had just bought some. “We have no bandages!!”, I yelled. Then I paused mid-hallway. Jake had blood dripping EVERYWHERE!! Jack had a wet paper towel and Connor was running through the house looking for medical supplies. We all crowded around Jake, mopping up the blood. Then I noticed something, the teddy bear was gone, and Jasmine. “Where’s Jasmine!!??”, I yelled.
B:What a surprise!!
We drag Jake into the house. “Ahh, Jake!!”, cried Jasmine. I reached into Jakes backpack, and pulled out the bear. Then I go into a closet, looking for some bandages. Completely empty!! “What a surprise!!”, I thought. I thought Connor had just bought some. “We have no bandages!!”, I yelled. Then I paused mid-hallway. Jake had blood dripping EVERYWHERE!! Jack had a wet paper towel and Connor was running through the house looking for medical supplies. We all crowded around Jake, mopping up the blood. Then I noticed something, the teddy bear was gone, and Jasmine. “Where’s Jasmine!!??”, I yelled.
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
100 word challenge #5
We ran to a red, brick wall with some coins on the pavement in front. We jumped on the wall, only to hear Jack yell, “It’s sinking into the mud!!” I looked down, the wall was sinking. “Quick, back to the house!!”, I yell. We sprint down a dark alley, and I hear a thump, followed by a cry of agony. I whirl around, and I see Jake lying down, blood dripping from his face, “The ladder…..”, he moaned. I see the ladder, and then me and Jack picking him up by the arms and dragging him into the night.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
10o word challenge round 4
The vinegar too sharp.
I guess we set our watches wrong, because the subway never came, so Jack pulled out our snack, take-out, with a sealed bottle of vinegar, so I pulled out a fork ( I never figured out chopsticks), and dipped a potsticker into the vinegar, I took a bite and whispered, “Oh, the vinegar is too sharp.” “Oh”, replied Jack, “wait, here it comes.” We feel a rumble, and soon, we see the subway coming down, Jake aims the Egg launcher, and I put in a few eggs, as the subway came down the truck, Jake fired it, and then we SCRAMMED!!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Another Target
We walked down the subway station, hopped over the barricade and on to the track. Me, Jake and Jack were creeping down the subway, on another station, we saw a teddy bear, a red bow tied around its neck. Jake picked it up and said, “Jasmine might like this.” Jasmine is his little sister, but she never came with us on our target runs. He shoved it into his backpack, and then pulled out the egg grafiti blaster we brought, an older version of the Egger-2000, and we crept into the shadows waiting for the subway to come. 3…..2…...
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
100 word challenge round 2
100WC, It was completely out of tune.
As I returned, to our base of commands, my abandoned basement, I heard Jake playing a scratchy violin, and it was completely out of tune!
“Hey uh, Jake, ya might want to tune that thing!!”
“Yeah, how was your run today?”
“It was okay, got the target.”
Okay, let me clarify, we live in an abandoned house with Jake, me, Jack, and Zeng. Jack and Jake are twins, and me and Zeng are only childs. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we also have Connor, our adult that buys us materials, and it’s his own house he found. This is home.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
100 Word Challenge Round 1 100WC
On a black night, I was dressed in a dark black, freshly washed tuxedo. And I had a special high-tech egg machine gun. I was ready to go to the fringe of the city and bomb some buildings. I crept closer to my target, a building with a flickering street light in front. I cocked the Thunder-Egger, and fired a round right at the 2nd floor, painting a perfect peace sign, just as I heard the sirens screeching towards me. I immediately jumped onto a small ledge, and parkoured away. My name is Zach Egger. And I do egg-graffiti.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Weapons of the war
Weapons of the war
WW2 was a time of rapid development in weaponry, and both sides made big breakthroughs.
A plane, named the Hawker Hurricane, also made a big splash with an astounding top speed of 340 MPH and a deadly range of 468 miles with 8 0.303 machine guns. 
Produced by Great Britain, it was responsible for 60% of all British victories during the Battle of Britain and ultimately stopped Hitler’s advance in Europe.
Produced by Great Britain, it was responsible for 60% of all British victories during the Battle of Britain and ultimately stopped Hitler’s advance in Europe.
And last but definitely not least, perhaps the most well known weapon, the atom bomb.
What do you think? Was it right to use this? How would the war differed had we not invented these?
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